Founded in 1869, AIE is the oldest Italian trade association. It represents Italian publishers of books, scientific journals and digital content at both the national and international level. The Association is the main data source on reading habits, the publishing market, as well as cultural and educational consumption, essential drivers of national growth. AIE is one of the founders of Confindustria. Publishers represented by AIE make up over 90% of the Italian book market.
President is Innocenzo Cipolletta, while Managing Director is Fabio Del Giudice.
AIE is divided into four publishing groups: Trade publishing, Small publishers, Educational, Academic and professional.
AIE is part of Confindustria Cultura Italia. It takes part in several committees and working groups set up by main national institutions, with the aim of enhancing book publishing, promoting books and reading, protecting copyright and triggering innovation and professional growth in the publishing market.
At the European and international level, AIE contributed to the founding of IPA (International Publishers Association) and FEP (Federation of European Publishers), and currently plays an important role in both associations. AIE is also a member of ABPTOE, EDItEUR, EDR-Lab, ISBN International, IDF and Readium Foundation..
- Ediser, the company providing services to the publishing industry
- ISBN, AIE is the Registration agency for the Italian language area
- mEDRA, European DOI registration agency
- Giornale della libreria, the trade magazine of the Association, published both in electronic and print format
- #ioleggoperché, a social campaign that helps school libraries grow
- Più libri più liberi, the national Fair dedicated to small and medium sized publishers
- Fondazione LIA, a non-profit foundation set up by AIE with UICI - Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti that promotes the culture of accessibility in the publishing field
- CLEARedi, it manages some reproduction rights of works published by its member